Next Generation Train (NGT)
Slip Coaching and Virtual Coupling Demonstrator

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About the Demonstrator

Welcome to the DLR Slip Coaching and Virtual Coupling Demonstrator!

You are on the start page. Before you start the demonstrator, you will first get a short introduction here.

The demonstrator consists of a start view with a scenario "Germany map" and five further detailed scenarios. The home screen shows the zoomable scenario "Germany map" with selected reference routes. Here you can use the network view to select the operating mode between conventional railway operation with fixed-coupled long-distance trains and various slip coaching operating modes. This way you can qualitatively understand the principle and effects of the different operating modes.

To return to this start page, you can click on the red "Exit" button at the top right of each scenario. To return to the initial scenario with the map of Germany, you can click on "Return to Overview" at the bottom right in each scenario.

Now you can start the demonstrator with the button on the right "Launch the Demonstrator".

In five detailed scenarios, various aspects of virtual coupling and slip coaching are presented in more detail. The "Brake Curves" scenario shows the calculation of the distance between two virtually coupled trains depending on speed, technical communication times and measurement inaccuracies. By eliminating the need for a mechanical coupling, considerable time can be saved during the virtual coupling process. In the "Coupling" scenario, the possibility is presented to what extent the time gained can be invested in higher timetable stability or higher route performance. The "Slip Coaching" scenario demonstrates the two variants "Single Slip Coaching" and "Double Slip Coaching" and provides detailed information on the operational processes. The "Speed Limits" scenario illustrates the behaviour of virtually coupled trains when travelling through speed changes. Finally, the "Switches" scenario visualises the effects of different switch technologies on virtual coupling and the advantages that can be achieved from them.